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Company buddy

Company buddy

Taking a (short) walk together through the neighborhood or just someone who visits you regularly. When family lives far away or your circle of friends and acquaintances is getting smaller, this is not always so obvious.

Do you miss a listening ear or just a chat? If you want more contact with others and it is not obvious to independently seek activities outside the home, Sterk Ouderenwerk will look for a companion for you. A volunteer from Sterk Ouderenwerk will visit you at home and regularly take you for a walk or just drink coffee or tea with you.

For whom?

  • As you get older, you are no longer able to independently seek out activities outside the home or to resume these activities with some help
  • You have few social contacts
  • You live in the municipality of Nijmegen

Are you not eligible for our buddies? Other buddy projects in Nijmegen can be found at Buddies Nijmegen.

How does it work?

If you apply for a buddy, we will contact you to discuss your wishes. We will then look for a volunteer. We think it is important to find someone who suits you, which is why it always takes a while before a so-called 'match'  has been made.


A buddy visit is free. When you go out together, you pay for the travel expenses, also for the volunteer.

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Sign up for Company buddy

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Date of birth *
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House number *
Postal Code *
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Contact person email address *

Why would you like a companion?

Why would you like a companion? *
Please give your answer briefly.

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Who fills out this form?

By submitting this form the customer agrees to the registration of personal data for the purpose of providing services.

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We are available on working days between 09.00 am and 3:00 p.m.
Call us on 088 00 17 121

Sign up for Company buddy

Salutation *
Initials *
Name *
Date of birth *
Street name *
House number *
Postal Code *
Place of residence *
Phone number *

You can fill in the details of a possible contact person later

Email address *
Would you like to get in touch? *
Contact person name *
Contact person phone number *
Contact person email address *

Why would you like a companion?

Why would you like a companion? *
Please give your answer briefly.

Who fills out this form?

Who fills out this form?
Who fills out this form?
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